
Oh, snap!

Reading is fundamental....I came across something that I really needed to see this evening while looking for some information to share with my business partner, Kiesha. So, I'm looking through several web sites, getting some information here and there. Then I hit the jackpot! The jackpot for what I needed...it was an article with a q&a with some sneaker boutique owner. Just regular cats answering some basic questions like regular cats. Not so formal and in words and or actions that I could DIRECTLY relate to. Not something out of a book, but real life experiences. Yeah, do this. No don't do that. Maybe try this and see how it works for you. But the underlying and undeniable message was to follow your dreams! Do what the fuck you want to do and do it well. Shit is going to be some work, but it's okay when you are working for yourself! There is alot of things you wouldn't do for you boss. Nothing you wouldn't do for yourself.....WOW!

I gotta do this. I gotta go get some of this money. I gotta spend my time working doing something I love.

'firm disbeliever in your punch clock logic'-Lupe Fiasco


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello my friend; I must say that it's been an extremely long time since I last read your blog. After some catching up, I must say that I am more impressed with you than ever before.

Right now, all I can say is Wow!

Through your writing I have a greater new found respect for you! I don't know what it it; you just have that it thing!

The it thing is a wonderful character to have...when I say, I love you, I really mean it in a way that I want nothing but the best for you...in a brotherly and or sisterly kind of way..I almost wish that you were my little brother because I am really proud of you!

You're the man, my friend...Keep on keeping on and remember, I support you in any way I can because we're our brother's keepers...Love ya