
Which way is up?

Today I gave serious thought to quitting my job. Not only because I'm sick of it, but also because I have some ideas that I would love to spend more time developing. I thought about the possibility of spending my days in control of my time. Being able to work when inspiration hit. Being able to 'play' when inspiration wasn't there. Ideal world, right? I was quickly brought back down to earth by the realization that I'm not prepared to choose to live on one income. Could it be done, yes. Do all parties agree that the time to try is now? Hell NO!
So, I'm going to have to find a way to harness my inspiration during non work hours. It's been a hard thing for me to do, but there is no other option. I've got a gang of ideas written down on paper but fall short of bringing them to life. This could very well have alot to do with the fact that I haven't found a way to commit enough time to them, so it's up to me to find a way to give them some time.
If I want it bad enough, I'll find a way...I can't keep working 9-5, so the only other option is to make something shake and start living by my own rules.

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