
What a job

It's been almost two weeks since I've been laid off, and I'm at the point where I'm beginning to enjoy it. Not having job to return to can take some getting used to, but I'm just about there and look forward to what's ahead. What's also been helpful is breaking down the financials with my wife. Understanding how our lives have to change and the sacrifices that are needed in order to live off one income for a little bit. Because we prepared ourselves mentally for the possibility of me being laid off, I think we are handling things pretty well. We are thankful for the things we do have and choose not to dwell on the things we don't have or may not be able to obtain in the immediate future. Life isn't about what you can buy...as much as our culture wants us to believe it is...it isn't. We don't have to be the ultimate consumer.

I'm learning quite a bit about myself during this time. Learning that my spirit is strong and despite the circumstances I'm choosing to remain positive and hopeful. Each day I become more comfortable with the idea of not returning to a 'regular' job. I'm enjoying doing things around the house. I'm enjoying making breakfast in the morning for my wife. Enjoying going to work out in the mornings and eating better(most days)...enjoying life.


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