
Business trip

Kiesha, Craige and I took a drive up to Columbus yesterday to check out these two sneaker boutiques on the O. State campus. It was a cool experience. I have to find a way for Kiesha and Craige to get more comfortable around each other, but I think it will come with time. We are all connected by friendship which I think can take us anywhere we choose.
We get to the first spot and it's pretty much what I expected. Some shit I've never seen before, in a pretty cool environment. I got a chance to introduce myself to the owner and talk to him for a second. I got his business card, so I'll be emailing him to see if I can spark a working relationship. Hopefully get some useful information from him. I'll be in Dayton, so I won't really be his competition...don't see why he wouldn't be willing to help?
So, we leave the first stop and are encouraged by what we saw and really feel like we can certainly pull something like that off. No doubt!

The mistake of the day was walking to the second spot. We went from the 700 block to the 1500 block of High St. in Columbus....that was a long fucking walk! Plus it was cold, and the second store wasn't even worth the walk. And when we got back to the car, Kiesha had a ticket! Didn't know you had to pay on Saturdays....

Our store is coming soon...and kids will be looking to us for their inspiration and motivation. Damn, it feels good just thinking about it!

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