
You don't matter anymore

I watched a bit of The O'Reilly Factor today. Only to hear from Mr. O'Reilly and his fans, how they are feeling. The overwhelming sentiment was that Mr. O'Reilly and his viewers are fearful. He used the word, fear, multiple times during my brief viewing. Asking his guest, Karl Rove, if he was scared of President-elect Barack Obama. O'Reilly expressed that listeners to his radio show were fearful of an Obama presidency.

Fear, Mr. O'Reilly? Really?

You're fearful, when the new majority is exuberant, excited, encouraged, hopeful, thankful, supportive and unbelievably joyous!

Mr. O'Reilly how does fear feel to you?

Bill, welcome to the world of the minority. Welcome to a place where the majority doesn't think you matter. A majority rule that has not adequately provided health care to all. A majority rule that has done a horrible job of educating the youth. A majority who has dropped the ball on the economy, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, energy independence and healthcare. A majority that pays all of it's non-white males a lesser wage for the same work. A majority that sat back and watched as Katrina destroyed the lives of so many.

The list of the ill's the old majority is responsible for is without end. So, I will not mention any other.

Mr. O'Reilly, if you are scared. Welcome to the feeling that all minorities have felt, while people who share your ideas have controlled this country.

Your time is over. Your ideas don't rule anymore.

1 comment:

jennieb said...

It is amazing how scared people are of this WONDERFUL change. Who could be scared of this new beginning??? The future belongs to us, our children and their children again. I am so thankful and so happy that I can't even put into words. Life is good again :)